Vancouver, British Columbia

Rooted Presentation #9: Medicinal Plant Playshop - Saturday September 8 from 1-4pm

Due to popular demand, Professor Shannon Cowan has agreed to present for a second time this summer her Medicinal Plant "Playshop." Taking a very hands on approach, Shannon will lead participants through an exploration of the UBC Farm Medicinal Plant Garden, will discuss the plants therein and will share discussion over tea.

As with all our Rooted at the UBC Farm Presentations, attendance is by donation for UBC Farm volunteers and $10 each for members of the general public.

Capacity is limited for this workshop ~ with currently 14 spaces remaining. If you are interested RSVP ASAP to Sarah at ubcfarm.interns@gmail.com. Registration will be completed by Friday morning. Thank you!

Rooted Presentation # 10: Canning Workshop!
Thursday Sept 13 from 6-9pm

In a small group learn to can fresh produce with UBC Farm Founder Rosy Smit! A great chance to increase your skill set and to stock up on some local preserves for the winter! Registration is VERY limited, but a few spots remain.

Rooted Presentation # 11: Plant Breeding and Seed Saving, Saturday September 15 1-4pm

Interested in seed saving? Plant reproduction? Food politics? Come join Plant Breeder and Professor Dr Andrew Riseman for an inspiring afternoon at the UBC Farm. Dr Riseman will be covering a wide range of topics from plant physiology to the the tangible steps of saving seed in your back yard. A wonderful workshop for anyone interested in gardening, plants and the food system. Dr Riseman has prepared a thorough manual on the topic for participants.

To register please email Sarah: ubcfarm.interns@gmail.com. Again, attendance is by donation for volunteers and $10 for members of the general public.

Official Website: http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/ubcfarm/

Added by thegreenpages on September 6, 2007