DuSable Sunday Afternoon Film Series is pleased to present "Separate But Equal." This film follows the true story of Brown vs. Board of Education; the landmark NAACP court challenge of racial school segregation in the south. Free and open to the public.
One of the most notable African-American museums in the nation, the DuSable features permanent exhibits, including "Clothed in History," including the shoes of gospel legend Mahalia Jackson and a dress worn by Halle Berry in the movie "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge"; "Fight to Fly," highlighting the Tuskagee Airmen; and "Harold Washington in Office," showcasing the former mayor's political career. Special events focus on holidays, cinema, music and more.
Official Website: http://www.dusablemuseum.org/programs/view/book_signings_courses_films_lectures/
Added by dlake37 on November 10, 2006