A graduation requirement of ARTech is the successful completion of a senior project. The senior project is a large project (at least 1.5 credits) that encompasses choice of a topic of passion by the student, in-depth research of that topic, a research paper, and a final 10 minute formal presentation to a large audience. It is a critical culmination of students' learning. Presentations will include:
Rachel Velardi
"Birth Control: A Better Understanding of the World of Contraceptives"
Ben Simpson
"Philosopy & Physics"
John Bateen
"Language & Technology"
Evan Larkin
"Waiting for Godot"
Barry Eischens
"Recording a CD"
Jason Spaargaren
Katya Block
"Ceramics in the Native American Tradition"
Chelsea Hatfield
"Passionate Life: Career Options"
Official Website: http://www.artech.k12.mn.us
Added by Northfield School of Arts on May 9, 2006