Get ready for the next SemWeb Installfest! This month's Installfest will be divided into two parts:
Installation and Chatter (12 Noon - 2 pm)
We'll attempt to walk folks through the installation of assorted Semantic Web tools, including: AllegroGraph, Eclipse, Java, Jena, Joseki, Pellet, Protege 4, and Semantic MediaWiki.
If you've been wanting to get one or more of these tools set up on your laptop, this would be a good time and place to give it a try. Attendees are also encouraged to meet and chatter with each other.
Presentations and Discussion (2 pm - 4 pm)
Andraz Tori (Zemanta) will present Zemanta's (text to semantic data) API and demonstrate some applications (eg, Linked Galaxy), then lead a discussion on how Zemanta's capabilities can be used.
Mike Hinchey (Franz) will present "Using Clojure with AllegroGraph". Attendees who have installed AllegroGraph will be able to work through the Clojure examples.
Other presentations are possible (please consider volunteering!). Any remaining time will be used in group discussions (topics TBD...).
RSVP here.
Official Website:
Added by parisoma on November 4, 2009