One Seminole Way
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314

Let's go clubbing and meet at Knight Time Billiards Bar. This upscale indoor/outdoor Billiard Club featuring 9 holes of trick shot pool as well as a full arcade then if we want we can go any of the night clubs over there: Passion, Spirits, Pangaea, Gryphon or anywhere we want.

Let's meet front of the KNIGHT TIME BILLIARDS at 9:00.

It will take time until you will find parking because the Seminole is a very crowded place especially on the weekends. So if you want to be on time keep this in mind.

This event is South Florida Young Adults event, it is free you pay only your own expenses! The original website, pictures, members:

Added by Viktoria on March 9, 2006

Interested 1