A workshop with Prof. R. Guy Erwin of California Lutheran University is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to noon at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Phoenix.
“How Lutherans Understand the Bible”, starting with Martin Luther’s own distinctive and creative approach to Scripture, will lead participants through some distinctively Lutheran approaches to reading and understanding the Bible, focusing on what makes Lutherans different from other Christians in this regard, and drawing out the implications of this difference for the American religious conversation.
The workshop will consist of two sessions with a discussion period at the end of each. Please bring along your favorite Bible and an open mind!
This seminar is free of charge open to the general public.
Dr. R. Guy Erwin has been the Gerhard and Olga J. Belgum Professor of Lutheran Confessional Theology at California Lutheran University since 2000. He also serves as the Director of the Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture serving the congregations of Region 2.
Official Website: http://www.aplaceofgrace.org/jpop/content/view/252/167/
Added by andrew_sandstrom on April 6, 2008