222 Mason Street
San Francisco, California

Find Out What Changes Effective January 1, 2009

The IRS has issued final regulations under IRS Code Section 403(b). These regulations both update and replace the existing regulations and include changes made by the Pension Protection Act of 2006.

Join Charlie Ruffell, CEO and Founder of PLANSPONSOR Magazine, Paul O'Grady, CPA, Partner, Armanino McKenna LLP, Certified Public Accountants & Consultants, Molly Knapp, Regional Sales Director, OneAmerica, John Prichard Sr., Senior Vice President of Heffernan Financial Services and Blake Thibault, Senior Vice President of Heffernan Financial Services for a lively panel discussion of this new legislation from an investment, accounting and insurance perspective.

Please RSVP by October 9th to reserve your space.
RSVP to seminar@heffgroup.com

$25/person. Please mail checks to: Attention, Ann Basco, Heffernan Insurance Brokers, 181 Third Street #200, San Rafael, CA 94901 or you can bring your check to the seminar.

Official Website: http://www.heffgroup.com

Added by FullCalendar on October 6, 2008

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