**This week**
Roughly every other week, we leave the agenda open to create space for improvised discussion. Come along and share the the questions that are on your mind, and/or go with the flow.
10.30 informal discussion/introductions, 11.00ish we convene for 'business'. By tradition, we take a while to warm up and then overrun because discussion is really cooking by 12.30 (that's just by way of expectation-setting; it's not a rule or a prescription).
**How to find us**: Come to Level 5 and look for the table with a copy of the Unplugged newspaper http://goo.gl/PIKpw. Or call 07899 791419 if it's not immediately obvious which group we are.
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=137425902991337
Added by davidjennings on March 8, 2011