1/25/10 & 2/1/10, two Monday evenings 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
How would you like to learn and experience self-hypnosis from a Master Hypnotist? Turn those New Year's Resolutions into actual life change?
You're in luck. I'm teaching an experiential workshop/course for EXPLORE! Continuing Education at Bellevue College in January & February. The course featured here focuses hypnotic tools to enhance healing and wellness, but really, these tools can be applied to so many things in your life: motivation, stopping bad habits, losing weight, releasing fears, and more!
Here's the course description--it's two nights, for 3 hours each night.
Healing and Hypnosis: Secrets to Wellness
In this hands-on workshop you will learn about the mind-body connection, and the transformational power of self-hypnosis. You will learn (and experience) what hypnosis is, how your mind works, how to hypnotize yourself, how to craft potent suggestions, how to put it all together in a simple process to use these skills for accessing your power within and enhancing your own health and wellness. This workshop is conducted by Connie Brannan, CHt, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Professional Conversational Hypnotherapist and Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (tm).
Healing and Hypnosis: Secrets to Wellness
Item: W8955 Connie Brannan
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM North Campus Room: W178
Sessions: 2 M Address: 10700 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004
1/25/2010 - 2/1/2010 Fee: $89.00
More about Connie & her credentials:
A brief video:
Contact: connie@mindworkshypnosis.net
(425) 564-8608
Added by FullCalendar on December 22, 2009