Join us for an overview of self-healing methods to integrate the energies of the mind, body and spirit to effectively battle a variety of symptoms. A holistic approach not only seeks to improve an individual's current state of health, but also provides lasting tools & techniques for relaxation, awareness & general well-being.
This talk is for those who seek alternatives to standard (conventional) medical treatments or who are facing the limitations of such treatments.
This introduction leads to a comprehensive series of self-healing classes, which include:
* Relaxation Techniques
* Imagery & Sensory Aawareness
* and Breathing Exercises.
Some techniques have almost immediate effects, while some require longer periods of maturation. All have broad applications and work well when combined.
Please join us for this introductory talk on self healing. The fee is $10 payable at the door with RSVP
About Dr. Chan
Dr. Chan is a psychiatrist who practices in the San Francisco Bay Area, including areas of medicine underserved by healthcare professionals, such as clinics & institutions geared toward the homeless & those with substance abuse issues. He has also practiced in the fields of mental health, alcohol addiction, & HIV/AIDS & other sexually transmitted diseases.
Dr. Chan has also pursued studies outside of mainstream medicine at the Esalen Institute, a center focused on personal growth & renowned for studies in alternative & experiential education.
Dr. Chan is in private practice & provides individual patient consultations, services to clinics and residential care homes, & workshops in natural healing techniques.
You can learn more about Dr. Chan and read articles on self- healing at
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 2, 2009