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The Altrupreneur Center is a co-working workspace and learning community in downtown San Francisco, CA at 20th & Mission and is currently in the process of re-locating. It is currently in the process of establishing itself as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. It was independently co-founded by Alex Lavidge and Betsy Crouch for young social entrepreneurs seeking to be a part of a larger professional community focused on studying more about life design, social responsibility, and entrepreneurship.
It is inspired by the book "Altrupreneur," (a book in development by Alex Lavidge) about creating a life where you generate enough passive residual income so that you have enough free time in the day to focus on solving larger social issues as well as building community.
The purpose of this meetup is to bring people together to network, discuss the vision and purpose of The Altrupreneur Center, and explore the benefits of co-working spaces for self-employed people and young aspiring entrepreneurs.
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Official Website:
Added by alexlavidge on September 11, 2007