6037 Franconia Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

Are you a believer or nonbeliever? Are you a Democrat or Republican? Are you White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Native American? Are you male or female, young or old, single, married, divorced or widowed, with or without children? Are you rich or poor? Regardless of who or what you are or how you look, we are all children of God. At Franconia United Methodist Church there are no strangers, and all are welcomed in His House.

Franconia United Methodist Church, 6037 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA, is located at the corner of Beulah and Franconia, next to the Franconia Elementary School, convenient to the Fairfax Connector routes 231, 232, and 310. Our traditional Sunday church services are at 8:30 and 11:00 am, our Sunday School classes (for all ages) are at 9:45, and childcare is available 8:15-12:15. Our church is handicapped accessible, and assisted listening devices are available. Contact us at 703 971-5151 or admin@franconiaumc.org, and see our website at http://www.franconiaumc.org.

Come out and see us next Sunday. We would love to meet you!

Added by FUMC Pub on October 16, 2012