1305 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122

In this workshop, we will focus on ways to help you move your photographs beyond the literal--the mere documentation of the outer world- and into the realm of personal vision and expression. We will explore ways to help you transform ordinary ways of documenting and taking photographs, to creating images that are more interpretive for both you and the viewer. Through discussion and viewing of photographs, we will look at all the tools that can help you make your imagery your own - including your choice of lighting and composition, what you choose to leave in the frame--and why--as well as your camera choices and printing methods. More importantly, we will focus on how you can exploit the rich resources of your own inner world by utilizing your imagination, dreams, and memories to make compelling imagery that stems more from your mind's eye than from any literal perspective.


Official Website: http://www.projectbasho.org/workshops/2008spring/beyond-literal.html

Added by swenson2 on January 3, 2008