Why don't more businesses achieve their sales growth targets--year after year? Why are they reluctant to change behaviors that drive poor results? The January program at the WPI Venture Forum presents sales strategy expert David Hamacher of Get Better Sales to answer these questions and provide specific techniques for overcoming these obstacles.
The evening's case presentation will feature JitterJam(R) (www.jitterjam.com), a company that is providing customer-focused enterprises the tools to create lasting customer relationships that drive revenue growth. JitterJam's offering provides marketing and social media managers the ability to develop their online communities with successful social marketing initiatives through it's streamlined CRM platform. Presenting the case will be Ric Pratte, cofounder, President & CEO of JitterJam, who was previously cofounder, President & CEO of Campagne Associates, purchased by Blackbaud, Inc.
Official Website: http://www.wpiventureforum.org/monthly.html
Added by FullCalendar on January 2, 2011