When: Friday April 24th from 7:00PM - 10:00PM (Hangout in downtown Campbell after)
Where: Sonya Paz Fine Art Gallery located at 195 East Campbell Avenue in Campbell
Join Secret Sushi and others on the 24th of April for a an excuse to meet some of your online connections offline and in person. Create new connections and give a little love to a charity in the process. This event is perfect for business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs who want to expand their network and meet new people who are active/interested in social media and social networking.
Purchasing your ticket is easy, simply go here to buy tickets: http://tr.im/ixBp . On the ticket purchase page you'll get a chance to vote on which charity should receive the proceeds from this event. The charity with the most votes will be announced at the event. We have a number of giveaways at the event as well. Heres some of the good stuff here:
Personalized Twitter badges designed by Sonya Paz of Sonya Paz Fine Art (see "Special Offer" below)
Interactive appetizers for all by Chef Max of "A Flash in the Pan"
Sophisticated sodas provided by DRY Soda
Win a one of a kind laptop bag from Rickshaw Bagworks
Additional giveaways to be announced at the event
Special Offer:
Early bird tickets purchased before the Friday 17th of April will receive a custom Twitter button with your Twitter "@name" printed on it when you arrive at the event.
Tickets are very limited so purchase your ticket here: http://tr.im/ixBp
Official Website: http://www.amiando.com/secretsushisocial.html
Added by secretsushi on April 16, 2009