125 E. 11th St.
New York City, New York 10003

Secret Society & Circus Presents DJ Tengo & DJ Mike Chach

The kick-off party @ Webster Hall was AMAZING!!! DJ Tengo is throwing the sickest parties, you'll have the greatest night of your life!! On Saturday nights you can experience the exquisite talents of Circus while the music of DJ Tengo and DJ Mike Chach intoxicates you. House music, circus acrobatics, and a laser light show will make you party like there's no tomorrow!!

For **COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION** contact DJ Tengo at (917) 678-0997 or tengo@djtengo.com. Complimentary admission is on a limited, first-come first-serve basis, so hurry up and don't miss the greatest party on Earth! The event is on Saturday June 27th, and every Saturday night after that. Partying starts at 10 PM!!! 19 and over. Dress to impress.
Webster Hall's address is:
125 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003

DJ Tengo can be reached at (917) 678-0997 or tengo@djtengo.com
DJ Tengo's website: http://djtengo.com/
Webster Hall Saturday Night Circus website:
Check out this awesome video of DJ Tengo:

Official Website: http://www.websterhall.com/0809_websterhall/club/sat_circus.php

Added by djtengo on June 25, 2009

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