Secret Sales Persuasion Strategies
In short Michael Woodbeck says that "RECESSION" is a highly over-simplified generalization and that anyone can sell successfully even in a so called "resistant" economy by making buying simple and irresistibly persuasive - and that's one of the things he will share with YOU in his proven, highly interactive and experiential one-day workshop.
Highly advanced sales & persuasion strategies compiled and presented all in a one-day, live workshop.
Monday March 30, 2009
8:00am to 9:00am - Registration and Networking9:00am to 3:30pm - Workshop
Monte Carlo Inn - Vaughan Suites705 Applewood CresVaughan, Ontario L4K 5W8
The ONLY Approach to Selling Your Customers What They Want - No Matter What Business You're In.
The Five Secret Strategies: The five secret strategies that have transformed the lives of hundreds of sales professionals and business ownersshared for the first time the most powerful strategies Ive personally used and provided clients for 20 years. These strategies have not only allowed sales professional and business owners to multiply their incomes but permanently change their method of sellingbut until this Workshop, Ive never "told all" exactly like this, revealing the Five Secret Sales Strategies together as a step-by-step System for immediate and permanent increased sales.
Secret Sales Strategy #1:
Overcome ALL Obstacles - Helping Customers Make the Right Decision Everytime
Secret Sales Strategy #2:
Eliminate Your Competition And Make What You Sell The ONLY Choice - Period
Secret Sales Strategy #3:
How To Become An Expert In Your Industry And Have Your Prospects And Customers Asking You What They Should Buy...and NOT Asking Any Other Questions!
Secret Sales Strategy #4:
How To "Close" EVERY Sale
Secret Sales Strategy #5:
How To SPEED UP The SaleEven In Situations With Typically Slow Or Elongated Sales Cycles
My Best Strategies Specifically For Business-To-Business Sellers.
- Why Ive Been The Number 1 Salesperson In Every Selling Situation Ive Ever Been In from my very first job to my years as a top business-growth expert. Yes, Ive got a secret!...but anybody can copy it. And its not mine alone. In fact, its behind the majority of the most successful marketing and sales gurus in North America.
- The Secret Weapon. For a number of clients, Ive devised and built a "Secret Weapon". I describe it, and will show you a few examples of it in this Workshop. You can build your own Secret Weapon at home, following my lead. With this Secret Weapon, doors previously barred shut will swing open for you..stubbornly disinterested prospects will start calling you, begging to meet with youit changes everything.
This workshop comes with a specialized workbook which includes my customized Action Guide for developing your personal sales strategies, and with copies of the most important overheads shown during the workshop.
This workbook is one youll want to go through again and again, to internalize everything AND extract the key items you want to take action on. I promise, you are GUARANTEED Positive Changes In The Way You Sell as a direct and immediate result of attending this Workshop, or well give you a FULL AND COMPLETE REFUND, no hassles on our part!
Think about that for a moment by simply attending this one-day workshop you could go from competing for your clients business to doing business on YOUR TERMS, demanding so much respect and taking such complete control that your prospect cant help but throw his open wallet onto the table without concern for price or anything else for that matter.
You could start closing more sales, more often and developing such a tight bond with your customer that they wouldnt dream of buying from anyone else for any reason. Wouldnt you agree that learning the secrets to landing sales with this kind of ease would be well worth $2000.00, 5000.00 or even $10,000.00 or more?
How about only $347.00?
Thats right; my UNCENSORED SALES STRATEGIES WORKSHOP is only $347.00.A small investment for the secrets to Michaels over 20 years of Business-Growth and Sales Success!
Reserve your seat now. Immediately after the workshop, you can start implementing YOUR personally developed sales and persuasion strategies and start seeing such amazing (and fast) results your competition will be scratching their heads in disbelief. Dont delay!
DEDICATED To Your Continued Success,Michael WoodbeckBusiness-Growth Expert
Secret Sales Strategy #1:
Overcome ALL Obstacles - Helping Customers Make the Right Decision Everytime
How to ELIMINATE ALL OBSTACLES and shift your prospects buying criteria, i.e. how they make decisions, buy, spend and conduct business. All people have habitual ways of responding to sales offers and you cannot afford to be controlled by their habitual ways. So, let everybody else be controlled by such rules, but NOT YOU!
How to insure that your customers do business with you ON YOUR TERMS - without resistance or complaint.
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Secret Sales Strategy #2:
Eliminate Your Competition And Make What You Sell The ONLY Choice - Period
How to get your customers to buy only from you and practically NEVER Compete For Business Again! Your customers have been brain-washed by the media, internet and cheap-price competitors to buy only by lowest price; you need a new, powerful and even radical strategy to shift things in your favour.
How to End Commoditization and make whatever you sell "unique" and NOT play the price game.
Learn What Selling is REALLY All About. Its NOT consultative selling or win-win or service. There is only one 7-letter word that truly defines selling, and is the secret to winning big in every selling situation.
The ONE thing you must NEVER DO....that 99.9% of all sales professionals and business owners do. Eliminate this from you sales processand watch your sales skyrocket!
Attention: People do NOT buy because of your products or services. Salespeople and business owners who insist on selling products and services will continue to have poor results. You need to understand that theres only ONE THING that people do ACTUALLY BUY. So, change your approach and add that one thing, and bingo! Your closing ratio goes up, your size of sale goes up, your income goes up and resistance melts away just like butter on a Toronto sidewalk in July.
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Secret Sales Strategy #3:
How To Become An Expert In Your Industry And Have Your Prospects And Customers Asking You What They Should Buy...and NOT Asking Any Other Questions!
There is a Critical Point, where the customer either begins to trust you and accept your advice and recommendations or distrust you and feel uncertain about the ideas you advance.
The simple strategy to gaining admiring RESPECT from your prospects and clients, as if they were meeting with the President of the United States!
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Secret Sales Strategy #4:
How To "Close" EVERY Sale
Are You A "Closer?" While typical salespeople boast about closing 30%, 40%, 50%....a top-producer would wonder: why not 100%? Because if youve gone through your sales process and are a respected expert, then why should you have to worry about closing the sale at all? Is it only natural than that every potential order is filled? Here, now, you will change your attitude about closing and stop trying to close, stop struggling to close, and instead start engineering the natural and automatic sale.
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Secret Sales Strategy #5:
How To SPEED UP The SaleEven In Situations With Typically Slow Or Elongated Sales Cycles
TRUST: There is only one way to succeed in selling and shorten sales cyclesTrust. I reveal the two key strategies to create almost instant trust and rapport. Im going to show you how to get first-meeting closes instead of "think-it-overs". Make more and sell moreby selling faster.
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Organized by Sales Leaders Series
Sales Leaders Series is dedicated to delivering the highest quality sales training to all sales professionals
regardless of the size of your company or stage of sales development you or your
company have achieved.
Sales Leaders Series provides world class sales training to all
sales professionals from novice to veteran, utilizing a blended approach to
ensuring effective results for all sales
Leaders Series, a division of 256 Metroplex Holdings Inc.,
Ticket Info: Secret Sales Persuasion Strategies, C$364.35
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/288425689/upcoming