1077 Independence Ave
Mountain View, California 94043

Bay Area Executives Monthly Networking Events.

These events are more about networking.
However there will be short "Ask The Expert" session at every event.

These events are more about networking.
However there will be short "Ask The Expert" session at every event.

We will be talking about how "Virtual Worlds" [Second Life] could be used for real life business purposes.
As you can see from the links below companies like IBM, Accenture, TCS, Wipro and others are purchasing and setting up their virtual offices on Second Life - so is it time for your company to start doing business in 3D worlds?? - this is our topic of the day for December 4 meeting:
[url=Article [Infotech]]http://infotech.indiatimes.com/Wipro_first_to_make_space_in_Second_Life_/articleshow/2493100.cms[/url]
[url=Article from Yahoo]http://in.tech.yahoo.com/061016/137/68izr.html[/url]
[url=Article IBM]http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Infotech/IBM_mulls_interface_between_Second_Life__real_world/articleshow/2249946.cms [/url]

Welcome and see you at the upcoming events!

Light food and drinks will be provided.


Official Website: http://itexec.meetup.com/32/calendar/6692998/

Added by ICTEU on November 12, 2007