Jason Forrest (Cock Rock Disco / Sonig Records)
Certified Bananas (New Eng's best DJ party crew)
Food For Animals (D.C. glitch-hop)
Everyone deserves a second chance. On Saturday April 1st 2006, Honeypump invites you to attend a night of getting-over-it. Invite those who have done you wrong in the past. Invite those who make you too nervous to speak. Invite people you have fought, yelled at, and swore to never see again. Invite people who dont get out often. Bookworms. Invite people who would love each other, if onlythey took the time to get in the same room for a night. Invite bike-punx and republicans. Invite the Weekly Dig and the Boston Phoenix. Luddites and Singularitarians. Invite a Yankees fan..well, maybe a Mets fan. Invite Bonnie Prince
Billy and Alec Empire. Invite Times New Roman and Comic Sans. Invite Bill Gates and Richard Stallman, Johnny Cupcakes and Urban Outfitters. Invite Gilbero Gill and Cary Sherman, Larry Levan and Suffocation. Invite Whitehouse. Invite Peter, Paul, Mary, and Coil. This night is going to be awesome.
Jason Forrest is playing! See you there!
$1.00 of each ticket will be donated to Second Gallery, Boston's newest alternative arts gallery!
At Bill's Bar, Landsdowne Street, Boston MA. 18+, 9PM, $10.00 (see donation above)
Added by Honeypump on March 18, 2006