15051 Caspar Rd
Caspar, California 95420

An all-day ukulele festival is planned for Saturday, April 27, when Mendocino Stories and Music Series joins The Caspar Community to celebrate the ukulele as a friendly and playful instrument. Instructional workshops, jam sessions, open mic and evening performances, complemented by "...fresh, local, and gourmet cuisine prepared by the volunteers in Caspar's kitchen." This is an “All Ages, All levels of interest and expertise” event. The day’s activities start at 10AM and will finish by 10PM at Caspar Community Center.

Ukulele workshops will begin at 10AM, with instructors for beginners, intermediate and advanced players. After a break for lunch, jam sessions will start out in small break-out groups followed by an open mic before the dinner break. Evening performances starting at 7PM will include Sarah Wagner, The Ukeholics, Hui Arago and special guests.

All ages and levels of interest are encouraged. Ticket prices are $30 All-event pass, $20 Instruction only, $15 evening performances only. All afternoon activities are free of charge. Tickets are on sale at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/363951 and by phone at 707 937-1732.

Official Website: http://www.mendocinostories.com/events_info.html

Added by Mendocino Stories and Music Seri on April 12, 2013