100 National Park Rd
Hopkins, Washington 29061

From the Thu 09/08/05 press release:

The Seattle Symphony will give a special fundraising concert on Friday, September 16, at 8:00pm in Benaroya Hall to benefit the American Red Cross in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Orchestra musicians, Music Director Gerard Schwarz, Seattle Symphony and Benaroya Hall staff, including ushers and stagehands, are donating their services to produce the concert. Renowned cellist Lynn Harrell, who will be in Seattle for the Orchestra?s season-opening Masterpiece series performances, will also be donating his services to perform at the benefit.

Admission to the performance will be free, and attendees are encouraged to give generously at the concert. Tickets will be available starting Monday, September 12, 2005.

Donation Information
Check or cash donations will be accepted the evening of the concert. Credit card transactions will not be available. Those who write checks made out to the ?American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund? will be issued receipts by the Red Cross. No receipts will be given for cash donations.

Ticket Information
General admission tickets for ?A Symphony of Relief? may be picked up in person only at the Seattle Symphony Ticket Office in Benaroya Hall from Monday through Friday between 10:00am and 6:00pm or at the door on September 16, depending on availability. Up to four tickets will be available per household. Although there is no charge for the tickets, they are required for entry to the concert. Tickets will not be mailed.

Doors open at 6:30pm. Patrons must be seated by 7:45pm. Seating will not be guaranteed after that time. Patrons without advance tickets will be seated after 7:45pm. For more information about the concert, call (206) 215-4747 or toll-free (866) 833-4747. For more information about the American Red Cross, please call 1-800-HELP-NOW or e-mail info@usa.redcross.org.

Added by donnunn on September 13, 2005