403 - 23rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington

Join us Wednesday, April 26th for our next Seattle Plone Gathering.

We've got a great presentation focusing on what's coming down the pike with the upcoming release of Plone 2.5! More information at: http://www.seattleplone.org/


Seattle Plone Gathering
Wednesday, April 26th, 2005, 6:00 P.M. to 7:45ish P.M.

NPower Seattle
403 - 23rd Avenue South
Seattle WA

Directions at:

Parking directions at:


What's New with Plone 2.5
Hailing from Portland, OR, Jon Baldivieso is joining us to talk about what's new with the upcoming (projected May 2006) release of Plone 2.5. Currently in beta, Plone 2.5 is largely an under-the-hood infrastructure release. Without a host of new features for site-admins, it takes a bit more digging to learn about all the cool stuff that's there. This talk will provide a high-level overview of what Plone 2.5 offers (think things like PlonePAS, GenericSetup, Zope 3 views, etc.) and how that contrasts with previous releases.

Lightning Talks
Lightning talks are 5 minute introductions to topics spanning the landscape of Plone. Launched a new site? Looking to hire? Tried a new product lately? We want to hear about it. Additionally, if you're looking for insight on a topic, you can request a lightning talk of others. Come prepared to share and learn.


Plone is the leading open source content management system, which enables easy website publishing.

Official Website: http://www.seattleplone.org/Members/andrewb/april-seattle-plone-gathering/

Added by andrewburkhalter on April 13, 2006