I've long complained that there isn't more early stage entreprenuer and investor networking in Seattle....so I decided to try and do something about it.
I'm going to try this format and see how it goes. A weekly meeting at Louisa's on Eastlake, Tuesdays at 8:30 AM starting on April 17 2007.
Hope to see you there.
Read more at :
Official Website: http://opencoffee.ning.com/profile/asackofseattle
Added by asack on May 11, 2007
Is the date on this meeting correct? It's listed as December 2007... I just read about this on John Cook's blog... I'm definitely interested in attending
dave, I think it's every Tuesday but upcoming wouldn't allow a recurring event.
Sounds interesting, I might be late (mornings are busy) but I'll be there. :)
Nice meeting this morning. It was great to meet and talk to people in the early stage of starting up.
It was good meeting you all yesterday. I'm looking forward to meeting again!
One day I will actually make it to the breakfast. Quite looking forward to it.
I'm very interested in meeting up with other Seattle entrepreneurs. I hope this meeting is still happening.
How are these events so far... we plan to attend OpenCoffee from next week.... :)
Hi, are these events still on? Is the time the same?
Sounds fantastic. Dorothy and I will be there!
Hi, I just heard about this from Tony but I'm looking forward to it!
-Kalid Azad, instacalc.com