255 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario

The global SES Conference and Exposition Series educates tens of thousands of delegates each year, with a 98% satisfaction rate. In its 6th year, the SES Toronto conference is designed to appeal to new, intermediate and seasoned marketers looking to advance their SEM and SEO skills. From universal and blended search to the latest tactics in search friendly design, SES Toronto affords delegates a comprehensive learning and networking opportunity.

Event Overview:

* Real-time actionable information you need to grow your business through search engine marketing
* Ins-and-outs of search engine marketing from top search experts and the search engines themselves
* A unique setting to network with fellow marketers and search engine industry professionals to discuss the trends in search engine marketing
* Access to the world's most comprehensive gathering of search engine marketing & optimization-related solutions providers and potential partners & affiliates.

What You Will Learn:

* How search engines list web sites for free and through paid placements
* How to get free "organic" traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors
* How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results
* How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy-and get tips on improving conversion if they don't
* How to build links that generate traffic to your web site, and how to avoid the penalties of "spamming" the search engines
* What's coming next in the constantly evolving world of web search, and how you can profit from those changes.

Official Website: http://searchenginestrategies.com/toronto/?utm_source=upcoming

Added by SES on January 14, 2009

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