150 W San Carlos
San Jose, California

Event Overview:

Co-Organized and Co-Hosted by world-renowned search authorities Chris Sherman and Danny Sullivan;
Delivers real-time actionable information you need to grow your business through search engine marketing (SEM/SEO);
Teaches the ins-and-outs of search engine marketing from top search experts and the search engines themselves;
Provides a unique setting to network with fellow marketers and search engine industry professionals and discuss the trends in search engine marketing;
Grants access to the world's most comprehensive gathering of search engine marketing & optimization-related solutions providers and potential partners & affiliates;

Official Website: http://www.searchenginestrategies.com/sew/sj07/index.html

Added by jbeaul on December 28, 2006



Can't wait to see you all there! If you want to join our exclusive and growing group of search marketing professionals on LinkedIn, email us with a brief intro on your experience with search marketing and how you will bring value to the network. Then join us for drinks!

search.marketers at gmail.com



I'll be speaking with Matt Cutts on the panel about Paid Links, if you want to say hi!