1335 Ave Americas,
New York, New York

This workshop will provide you with the practices, applications, and hands-on exposure you need to become (and remain!) a top performer in your field. In the end, you will not only walk away with the knowledge and skills you need to be a successful search engine marketer, you will also jump-start your career and enhance your professional know-how. This in-depth training in a small class setting means that your instructor is readily accessible for informal one-on-one or small group discussions. Whether you are a consultant, site designer, website owner, or in-house marketing professional, you cannot afford to miss this opportunity to experience firsthand the latest developments in search engine strategy. No matter where you are in the SEO & SEM process, you will leave this intensive workshop with the necessary skills and tools to improve your business results and take your search engine marketing to another level.
Enter TR10EB and receive a 10% discount.
Sponsorship/Exhibiting Opportunities:For more information, please contact our Sales Department. You may also call+1 212-457-4993 or send an e-mail to sales@searchenginestrategies.com.
Registration Information:For questions regarding registration, please call +1 212-457-7906 or send an e-mail to registration@searchenginestrategies.com.

Registration will be available soon.

Organized by Search Engine Strategies
Search Engine Strategies is the most recognizable conference & expo in the SEM/SEO industry. From paid listings to web analytics, SES offers the most valuable learning and networking environment for executive- level decision-makers, marketers, and web developers interested in advancing their knowledge of the trade.

To learn more, visit:

Ticket Info:  
  • How to Create a Successful In-House SEO Program, $754.95
  • Blogging for Business, $754.95
  • Landing Page Testing Crash Course, $754.95
  • Making Pay Per Click Pay - Best Practices in Pay Per Click Advertising, $754.95
  • Search Engine Marketing Metrics and Myths, $754.95
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Workshop, $754.95

Official Website: http://semtrainingnewyork-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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