Sean Hiyashi - Sean plays the guitar and sings and stomps his feet and claps his hands and hits stuff with a stick or a ping pong paddle or maybe just his hand and sometimes he tries to do karate on it but only when he's alone and thinks no one is looking but I've seen it and let me tell you it's impressive. Sam Coe plays the drums and the shaker, I'm not sure if he knows karate. Judging from the way he dances though I'm thinking he's more of a kung fu kind of guy. And then there's Jacob.....Jacob plays the bass and goes "whoo oooh whoo ooh ooh ooh" and tells stories that seem to go nowhere for hours until the wind changes or a shadow passes and then he remembers what got him started and he somehow pulls it back around and it kinda makes sense.
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Added by Humboldt on September 18, 2006