Title: Consumerization, Social Media and Collaboration
Enterprise collaboration is being transformed by the two ongoing big trends: consumerization of IT and social media. This event will bring these two trends together and discuss how new channels for collaboration with customers are helping businesses to succeed.
David Coleman will present the first talk: The Consumerization of IT, and How That is Driving Collaboration in the Enterprise. This presentation will look at the "Consumerization of IT" and how that is accelerating collaboration in most organizations. David will look at 5 trends driving this consumerization, 5 mistakes most IT organizations are making, and 5 rules for collaboration success that can be used by any sized organization. Each of these rules will be explained through research results, and examples from client engagements for a controversial and entertaining presentation. One lucky attendee will get a free (signed) copy of his latest book "42 Rules for Successful Collaboration" which is one of the first books to be written by a social network.
Chase McMichael will present the second talk: Beyond Listening: Reinventing Social Keyword Monitoring. Social monitoring is key to every business that's interfacing with customer to reputation management. Of the 100 tools out there what is right for you business will be explored. Keyword-based social monitoring tools are difficult to optimize for targeted content delivery. They can also be difficult to use. In this session you will learn how, by leveraging your customers' "Content Consumption Graph" you can not only deliver more relevant content but also dramatically boost engagement with that content. You will also see how advanced social intelligence techniques can deliver detailed graphs with insightful audience data.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org
Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2011