At the speed of light, three dimensional parallel universes and their immersive communities -whether they be virtual worlds of shopping centers, nightclubs or interactive gaming- went from “radical fringe” to mainstream, with multinationals around the world setting up their own islands to be represented in this new part of the internet galaxy. Now the next frontier may be the most complex one to cross yet - mobile platforms. All players in the tech eco-system are setting stakes to offer consumers new options in social interactivity of all forms:
* Companies already entrenched in virtual worlds and interactive gaming, where mobile devicese the next BIG opportunity
* Social networking and community enterprises hoping to add a third dimension to their community and/or “go mobile”
* The enablers and supporters, whether they be investors who fund and help scale these enterprises or technology plays, such as payment systems, operating systems and platforms...
This conference is the first of its kind to listen to all the voices in the eco-system as they discuss what opportunities will be available and what the challenges are to realize this goal, when communities are able to connect, communicate and share content on these mobile devices, how the location-specific abilities and information be integrated, where should we look for emerging markets for web content when it becomes accessible to billions of cell-phone users.
Official Website:
Added by Voce Nation on February 13, 2008