Presentation Overview
Handling the "Sticky" Stuff: Managing Real Human Beings
As technical leaders we learned to focus on solving technical problems, and yet as we lead and manage at higher levels of responsibilities we can get bogged down with interpersonal disagreements and other sticky people issues. While product development languishes and critical business priorities escalate, we can find ourselves wasting energy accommodating big egos and sorting out conflict over seemingly less urgent matters.
Unresolved conflicts, grievances and miscommunications waste enormous amounts of time and energy. There is also a bottom line cost of lost profit, possible legal issues and negative market reputation. This is especially true in fast-paced, highly driven and competitive environments, where stress tends to escalate. Although unintentional, the impact can be up to 30% in lost profits and 50% in reduced goal attainment.
This event will equip you with practical tools and approaches that you can immediately implement to recognize and resolve conflicts in their early stages while they are easiest to solve. Learn to handle challenging behavior, reduce anger, stay calm under pressure and develop resolution strategies that put the focus back on getting the product done right!
GET REAL HELP REAL-TIME! Send your "sticky" situations to Dr. Manning ahead of time at and she'll bring some strategies to our event to help you.
Free for SDForum Members, $15.00 for non-members.
Phone: 408-414-5950
Added by FullCalendar on February 3, 2006