Title: Scalable Analytical Processing with LinkedIn's Avatara
Description: LinkedIn has created Avatara, a scalable Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) System built to power customer facing data products.
Avatara is designed to support both offline and online aggregation through a Map/Reduce interface. The first version of this system is currently serving in production. We describe the motivation for Avatara, and the architecture and implementation of its storage and aggregation layers.
Bio: Chris Riccomini is a Senior Data Scientist on LinkedIn's Product Analytics team. He has worked on LinkedIn's People You May Know feature, Who's Viewed My Profile product, and distributed computing infrastructure. Prior to LinkedIn, Chris worked as a Data Visualization Software Engineer on PayPal's Fraud and Abuse Team.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org
Added by FullCalendar on September 22, 2010