The nation's healthcare system currently is in critical condition. The new President Barak Obama is pushing information technology as a part of the solutions for making our healthcare system more effective and efficient. According to discussion in the Congress, President's economic stimulus package is considering $20 billion for heath IT spending. That's going to shape up optimism for traditional health IT as well as innovations in new technologies like semantic technology and NLP.
On this event, we will be focusing on semantic applications in healthcare. Three speakers will cover the different areas along the healthcare ecosystem.
Professor Ida Sim from UCSF will share cutting edge research of applying semantic technology and ontology in clinical trials.
Niraj Katwala, CTO of Heathline Networks, will talk about how taxonomy is making all the differences in building top consumer-focused web destination for health information.
Even healthcare payment is getting help from semantic technology. John Gilman will present his work at Blue Shield of California.
If you are wondering where the opportunity is for semantics and NLP, come and join us to explore the frontiers of healthcare IT.
Dr. Ida Sim, Professor, UCSF
Niraj Katwala, CTO Healthline Networks
John Gilman, Director, BlueShield of CA
Free to members; $15.00 for non-members.
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Added by FullCalendar on February 19, 2009