We're excited to deliver, with Pillsbury Winthrop, the third annual Quarterly Venture Breakfast Series. Our July session will be focusing on 'The Current State of the CleanTech Bubble'.
After rising to #2 in 2008 in the PwC Money Tree, cleantech investing plummeted 75% in Q1'09 to #4 in the industry rankings, after Software, Biotech, and Med Devices. Many of the cleantech deals that required over $50M in venture financing and hundreds of millions in project finance are either dead or pursuing new strategies that are more capital efficient and require less debt. Scores of companies are applying for government funds to supplement their equity base. Come listen to and quiz our panel of experts to see if the cleantech bubble has burst or if this is simply the pause that refreshes the industry.
8:00am-8:30am Registration and Breakfast
8:30am-8:45am Introductions
8:45am-9:00am Overview
9:00am-9:45am Panel Discussion
Steve Bengston, Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Matt Garratt, Battery Ventures
Mamoom Hamid, USVP
Allison Leopold Tilley, Pillsbury Winthrop
Dan Rubin, Alloy Ventures
Robert Walker, Sierra Ventures
Don Wood, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
9:45am-10:00am Question and Answer
$20/SDForum Members, $30/non-members, $0/Platinum Pass.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/venturebreakfast
Added by FullCalendar on June 5, 2009