111 West Saint John Street Suite 200
San Francisco Bay Area, California 95113

Software Development Forum (SDForum) presents:

SDForum: PMI Tools & Techniques: On-Demand Software & the Project Management Marketplace


Speaker: Marc O'Brian, CEO and President, Projity Incorporated

Presentation Overview

We have all been hearing about the new paradigm in software delivery "On-Demand". This is also referred to as Software as a Service or SaaS. IBM is currently deploying over $1 Billion towards on-demand software. Salesforce.com has over 300,000 subscribers. Analysts forecast over 45% year-to-year growth in the sector. What does this mean for the project management market? Will on-demand software be a factor in the project management market? Marc O'Brien, CEO of Projity Inc. will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of on-demand software and the relevance for project managers. He will share some insight into the marketplace and discuss the impact on project teams. Projity is releasing "Project-ON-Demand" January 30th so the topic will be timely.

About the Speaker

Marc O'Brien, CEO and President, Projity Incorporated brings over 20 years experience in engineering, sales and executive management in the software industry. This includes Co-founder and CEO positions with WebProject Incorporated. WebProject was the first Web-based and hosted project management solution. WebProject was acquired in 2000. Mr. O'Brien also previously served as the CEO of ERP vendor Celantra Software Systems and led North American sales for the Scitor Corporation. He also was in management/engineering positions with MRO Inc. and Texas Instruments. Mr. O'Brien received a B.S. in Engineering & Management from Clarkson University where he is on the Advisory Board for the School of Business. He currently sits on the Board of FabTime Incorporated and the non-profit "Adopt an Orphanage.org"

$10 for PMI and SDForum members/$20 non-members/additional $5 at the door.

Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1843
Email: registrations@sdforum.org
Phone: 408-494-8378

About Software Development Forum (SDForum):
SDForum is the leading Silicon Valley software organization with deep ties to entrepreneurs, developers, venture capitalists, industry experts and major technology companies. With a 10,000-person reach, 2000 individual members and 20-30 events each month, SDForum is the single best source of information, education and connection for people seeking to build a business and career in Silicon Valley.

Added by FullCalendar on January 7, 2006