111 West Saint John Street Suite 200
San Francisco Bay Area, California 95113

Project Management Consideration for Knowledge Worker Environments

Speaker: Kevin Kramer, PlanView

Come spend your lunch hour discussing how you can improve your execution given the changes in the technology landscape.

Today's business is in the midst of radical transformation not experienced since the rise of the industrial age. The technology revolution that began in earnest in the mid-80's, set the stage for today's instantaneous communications and information access, virtual teams, on-demand expectations, and a global economy.

The very nature and definition of business as we know it has shifted in the process - knowledge workers now largely drive innovation and growth in first world economies. And, 20 years later, it is becoming readily apparent that this constant shift of the business landscape is not a passing event but rather the "new normal", a rolling thunder of constant change that permeates every aspect of how business is executed.

For those who must manage or execute work in such an environment, its impact on the practice of Project Management is both frustrating and significant. Aberdeen's infamous "Chaos Report" was instrumental in highlighting the alarmingly low performance levels of projects in the technology sector. Even today, progress towards improving project success in this arena is slow in coming. But why? Why are the foundational principles of Project Management that work so well in other environments seemingly unable to meet the demands of modern knowledge worker scenarios?

This presentation explores the influences, impacts, and approaches that must be understood and applied to achieve better project success under such operating dynamics.

Raffle: At the end of the session, there will be a Raffle and the lucky winner will get a Circuit City Gift Card.

$10 for PMI and SDForum members/$20 non-members/additional $5 at the door.

Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1991
Email: registrations@sdforum.org
Phone: 408-414-5950

Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1991

Added by FullCalendar on August 3, 2006

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