111 West Saint John Street Suite 200
San Francisco Bay Area, California 95113

Software Development Forum (SDForum) presents:

SDForum Lean Software Management Event: Refocusing on Customer Value

Tue, Jan 25, 8:00am-10:30am, San Jose

MORE INFO: http://www.sdforum.org/leanjan05

Speaker: Frode L. ?deg?rd

Presentation Overview:
The Lean Enterprise approach to process excellence has revolutionized manufacturing world-wide and is now being used by companies seeking similar breakthrough results in product development. In this executive briefing we will discuss how Lean Principles can be applied to managing software development. By focusing on what actually generates customer value, Lean challenges conventional notions of "best practices". Companies implementing Lean move quickly to dramatically simplify and speed up processes, leverage architecture design choices, and overcome internal and external boundaries.

Learning Objectives:
-Understand how to help your teams focus on what actually adds customer value
-Discover eight ways to speed up your projects
-Identify six key measurements for evaluating how wasteful/lean your processes are
-See how specifications and architectures can be sources of waste as well as value
-Learn about five key principles for achieving Lean Software Development
-Uncover hidden sources of waste in software processes and products
-Get a fresh perspective on how to select and deploy "best practices"
-Understand how Lean differs from other approaches to software process excellence

About the Speaker: Frode L. ?deg?rd
Frode L. ?deg?rd is the Founder and President of the Lean Software Institute. He is a frequent public speaker on software engineering management.

Tuesday, January 25

SDForum Center
111 W. Saint John, Suite 200
San Jose, CA, 95113

$35 SDForum Members, $45 Non-Members ($10 more at the door).

Website: http://www.sdforum.org/leanjan05
Email: raya@sdforum.org
Phone: 408-494-8378

About Software Development Forum (SDForum):
SDForum is the leading Silicon Valley software organization with deep ties to entrepreneurs, developers, venture capitalists, industry experts and major technology companies. With a 10,000-person reach, 2000 individual members and 20-30 events each month, SDForum is the single best source of information, education and connection for people seeking to build a business and career in Silicon Valley.

Added by nancytubbs on January 9, 2005

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