SDForum Java SIG Monthly meeting
Tom Hill founded the SDforum Javasig ten years ago as a way of forcing
himself to learn Java. It worked. Since then he's worked mostly in
Java while consulting and at several startups. Most recently, he
implemented the search infrastructure for, using Apache's
Solr. He's currently fascinated by the potential applications of
computing clouds like Amazon's EC2.
Search is a critical part of any website these days, and you want it
to be quick to implement, high performance and scalable. Apache Solr
provides all three features. It's an easy to setup, fast text search
server based on Apache Lucene. And it includes replication features to
scale to large numbers of users.
The talk will cover what Solr is, and ways to use it. For the second
half, we'll walk through the steps needed to bring a Solr installation
up, and ways to tune and modify it once it's running.
Event Logistics
Cubberley Community Center
4000 Middlefield Road, Room H-1
Palo Alto, CA 94105
6:30-7:00 Doors open. Networking.
7:00-9:00 Presentations
$15 at the door for non-SDForum members
No charge for SDForum members
No registration required
Official Website:
Added by sudhishrema on March 3, 2008