Session Abstract:
Josh Bloch and special guest star Bill Pugh present yet another installment in the continuing saga of Java Puzzlers, consisting of eight more programming puzzles for your entertainment and enlightenment. The game show format keeps you on your toes while the puzzles teach you about the subtleties of the Java programming language and its core libraries. Anyone with a working knowledge of the language will be able to understand the puzzles, but even the most seasoned veterans will be challenged. The lessons you take from this session are directly applicable to your programs and designs. Some of the jokes may even be funny. If you loathed Episodes I–V, you'll detest Episode VI. Come early, because overripe fruit will, as usual, be given to the first 50 attendees.
Joshua Bloch is Chief Java Architect at Google. He was previously a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems. He wrote the bestselling book "Effective Java" (Addison-Wesley, 2001), winner of the 2002 Jolt Award. He led the design and implementation of numerous award-winning Java platform features, including the JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia.
William Pugh received received a Ph.D. in Computer Science (with in minor in Acting) from Cornell University. He is currently a professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. Some of Prof. Pugh's accomplishments include the invention of skip lists, the revision of the Java Memory Model (JSR-133), and the development of FindBugs, an open source static analysis tool for finding coding defects in Java programs. He currently serves as the Spec Lead for JSR-305, Annotations for Software Defect Detection. Prof. Pugh was selected as a JavaOne 2006 Rock Star.
Official Website:
Added by cxcheng on July 25, 2007