111 West Saint John Street Suite 200
San Francisco Bay Area, California 95113

Software Development Forum (SDForum) presents:

SDForum: Founders Forum Brown Bag Series with John Little, Founder, Portal Software

Wed, Mar 30, 11:45am-2:00pm, San Jose

MORE INFO: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1638

Brown Bag Lunch Series of the Founders Forum

Presenter: John E. Little, Founder, Portal Software, Inc

About the Presenter:
Mr. Little founded Portal in March 1985 based on his vision of an integrated business infrastructure for the emerging global networks. He has been a Director since its inception and served as Portal's chief executive officer from inception to September 2004. In addition, Mr. Little served as president from inception to March 1996 and served as president from November 1996 to February 2002. Prior to founding Portal, Mr. Little was an independent consultant for a number of companies including Knight-Ridder Inc., a newspaper publisher, AT&T Corp., a global leader in communication services, Raytheon Company, a provider of defense and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services, and business and special mission aircraft, Dow Jones News Retrieval, a subsidiary of Dow Jones & Company, Inc., a provider of business and financial news and information, Victor Company of Japan ("JVC"), a global electronics company, and Sun Microsystems, Inc., a provider of network computing products and services.

Event Sponsor: Ernst & Young

Wednesday, March 30

SDForum Offices
111 W. Saint John, Suite 200
San Jose, CA, 95113

$15 SDForum Members, $30 Non-members. Add $10 at door to both. (Refreshments & Chips included; NOT lunch, please bring your own!)

Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=1638
Email: registrations@sdforum.org
Phone: 408-494-8378

About Software Development Forum (SDForum):
SDForum is the leading Silicon Valley software organization with deep ties to entrepreneurs, developers, venture capitalists, industry experts and major technology companies. With a 10,000-person reach, 2000 individual members and 20-30 events each month, SDForum is the single best source of information, education and connection for people seeking to build a business and career in Silicon Valley.

Added by nancytubbs on March 9, 2005

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