Topic: "Lessons Learned on the Journey from Engineer to Company Founder"
Presenter: Jateen Parekh, founder and CTO of Jelli Crowdsourced Radio:
Jateen is a brilliant technologist, an innovative entrepreneur, and a warm and delightful human being. Come hear him share his amazing journey as an engineer through big companies and small to becoming the founder of one of the hottest startups in the Valley. Jateen and I worked together at ReplayTV long ago, before the dot-com bust. When I saw him on the cover of the Wall Street Journal last year I felt lucky to have met him before he was so famous! I am sure we'll all enjoy hearing Jateen's stories, lessons learned, and wisdom. - Scrappy Kimberly Wiefling
SAP - Southern Cross Room
3410 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
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Added by FullCalendar on January 7, 2011