For the last five years, software development has undergone a dramatic shift away from statically-typed, compiled languages towards dynamic languages like Python. Proponents of Python claim that the language is easier to learn than Java or C# and enables faster development cycles with more transparent code. Entrepreneurs can deliver products to market faster and respond quicker to market changes. Developers can stop fighting with IDE's and get to see their families on the weekends. Everyone wins.
Learn from the early adopters. New technologies involve risk, pain, and a learning curve. Avoid the most disastrous mistakes, and learn how to quickly reap compelling benefits by hearing war stories from early adopters.
Hear from founders who are risking it all. Thinking about a new startup? Wondering if Python makes sense? Hear from founders who decided to bet the farm on Python.
Understand what's coming down the pipeline. It's not enough to understand where Python is today. You also need to understand where Python will be tomorrow.
8:30am - 9:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am - 9:45am Keynote: Guido van Rossum, Creator of Python
10:00am - 10:45am - Python and the Enterprise
Alex Martelli, Technical Lead, Google and Author Python in a Nutshell
Munwar Shariff - CTO, Cofounder, Cignex
11:00am - 11:45am - Building your startup using Python
David Marks, Cofounder, CEO/President, Loomia
Peter Yared, Founder, CEO, ActiveGrid
Moderator: Braham Cohen, Creator of BitTorrent and founder of BitTorrent, Inc
12:00pm - 12:45pm Keynote: Greg Stein, Engineering Manager, Python at Google
$15 SDForum Members, $25 Non-SDForum members. At the door add $10 to member and non-member prices.
Phone: 408-494-8378
Added by FullCalendar on January 12, 2006