111 West Saint John Street Suite 200
San Francisco Bay Area, California 95113

Software Development Forum (SDForum) presents:

SDForum: Crafting the Financial Roadmap of Your Startup

Tue, Apr 19, 8:30am-3:00pm, San Jose

MORE INFO: http://www.sdforum.org/financialroadmap

As an entrepreneur, you must steer your start-up on the financial path to success. To do so, you need to develop an effective financial roadmap and thoroughly understand how it will unfold over the next 5 years. This roadmap should provide you with a clear vision of your objectives and milestones to a) help you decide whether your project is financially feasible, b) set a common direction for your management team, and c) enable investors and lenders to assess the desirability of funding your venture.

This is a technical workshop designed for start-up entrepreneurs who are in the process of developing their business plan and seeking angel and/or VC funding. In this workshop, you will learn:
* a systematic methodology for developing a robust financial plan
* how to build a credible revenue model
* rules for building a flexible expense model
* techniques for preserving scalability and data integrity as you make subsequent updates to the plan
* ways to validate your model using publicly available data
* how to project the ownership of the founders, employees, and investors, and the return on investment over the life of the plan
* various approaches to deriving valuation data from the financial plan
* how to Debug your financial planning spreadsheet

You will also receive a printout of the financial model.

BONUS SEGMENT 1 Sunita Patel, Senior Vice President with Comerica Bank, will discuss debt financing alternatives for early stage companies including traditional banking, technology banking and non-banking products.

BONUS SEGMENT 2 Paul Leboffe, Partner with the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, will discuss best practices for building a VC friendly company.

PLUS! A panel of investors will share their insights on how they view and evaluate the financial planning information they receive from entrepreneurs and answer questions from the audience.

Tuesday, April 19

SDForum Offices
111 W. Saint John, Suite 200
San Jose, CA, 95113

$35 SDForum Members, $50 Non-members, at the door add $10 to member and non-member prices.

Website: http://www.sdforum.org/financialroadmap
Email: registrations@sdforum.org
Phone: 408-494-8378

About Software Development Forum (SDForum):
SDForum is the leading Silicon Valley software organization with deep ties to entrepreneurs, developers, venture capitalists, industry experts and major technology companies. With a 10,000-person reach, 2000 individual members and 20-30 events each month, SDForum is the single best source of information, education and connection for people seeking to build a business and career in Silicon Valley.

Added by nancytubbs on March 18, 2005

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