Chris Marino, co-founder, vCider. Chris will present an overview of virtual networks, what they can do and why they are important for the cloud. In addition, he will review several of the techniques currently being used (or
considered) for virtual networks as well as some examples of where they can be effective and their limitations.
Kyle Forster, co-founder Big Switch Networks. Kyle will present an overview of OpenFlow as well as how it can be used to create virtual networks using OpenFlow enabled devices, as well as some examples the problems virtual networks can solve within the enterprise.
Rick Clark, OpenStack Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems. Rick is part of the OpenStack Development team at Cisco that submitted the Network Containers for NaaS to the project. Rick is going to present an introduction to Network Containers and show how IaaS can be enhanced to provide better network capabilities for the cloud.
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Added by FullCalendar on May 16, 2011