Tenants and occupants are starting to demand greener, cleaner buildings. Legislation is starting to mandate energy efficiency and a curtailment of greenhouse gas emissions. Lighting associated with commercial buildings accounts for close to 71 percent of overall lighting electricity used in the United States. It is the largest cost component of a commercial property's electricity bill and a significant portion of the total energy bill.
Agenda with Confirmed Speakers
8:00 am: Registration and Breakfast
8:30 am: Panel Discussion
Mike Dauber, Battery Ventures
Steve Goldberg, Ph.D, Venrock
Victor Westerlind, Rockport Capital
Moderated by: TBD
9:15 am: Audience: Question and Answer
9:30 am: Networking
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/admin/index.cfm?fuseaction=EventAdmin.viewEvent&EventID=13934
Added by FullCalendar on May 25, 2011