Course Overview
Effective Agile Development is proud to offer this course as a jump start for teams or individuals in Scrum and Agile software development. This course taught by a very experienced Scrum / Agile coach and trainer will give the attendee the understanding of the basics of Scrum and give them hands on experience in a simulated project. Working with a team of other attendees requirements will be given and the team will develop an actual product using Scrum. Attendees will experience the roles of ScrumMaster and Product Owner first hand through this effective and popular exercise.This course is taught either in four evening or two Saturday formats to keep your staff productive. This course will be four evenings. Light snacks and beverages will be served.
Course Objectives
A discussion about the reasons why an organization might choose to adopt Scrum
A review of the fundamentals of Scrum
A review of the important aspects of Agile Analysis and Planning
A focus on the role of ScrumMaster in all the meetings, processes and decisions of Scrum
Practical, skill and experience building practice in running Scrum
Instruction and practice to develop your skills as a ScrumMaster and Product Owner in dealing with people
Discussion and practice in dealing with organizational challenges
Session 1
Creative Making
Why are knowledge workers different?
Agile Teaming
What makes a good process?
The Case for Scrum
Scrum and Agile History
Practices or Principles?
Lean Software Development Basics
Scrum Process Basics
Basic Scrum Flow and Activities
Scrum Roles and Relationships
Scrum Meetings, Artifacts and the Product Backlog
User Stories
Prioritization Cost vs. Business Value
The Scrum Immersion Game
Team Creation
Project Tracking
Session 2
Agile Analysis
Project Vision
Agile Analysis The Transition from Pie in the Sky to Accuracy in Requirements
Realistic Agile Design Making Sure the Pieces Fit Correctly
Determining Priority
Release Planning
Story Sizing
Relative Story Sizing
Team Estimation
Team Commitment
Exercise Sprint 1
Project Visibility
Sprint Planning
Sprint Acceptance
Session 3
Exercise Sprint 2
The Role of QA
Moving Testing Forward
The Role of QA
Acceptance Testing Overview
Agile Specification
Session 4
Exercise Sprint 3
The Release
Release Activities
Release Acceptance
Implementing Scrum for Your Team
Scrum is Hard
The Promises of Scrum
The Forces Driving and Restraining Scrum An Exercise
Scaling Scrum
Technical Challenges
Course Wrap-Up
Agile Principles
Agile Practices
Final Thoughts and Group Discussion
Hosted by Effective Agile Development LLC.
Your coach will be Rod Claar .
Organized by Effective Agile Development LLC
Ticket Info: - Early Bird, $899.00
- Scrum Implementation Workshop, $999.00
Official Website: http://scrumbusyteamsmar09-upcoming.eventbrite.com