1634 University Blvd.NE Corner of University and Indian School
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

We are MADE of stories and everyone has a story to tell that is uniquely theirs. Yet how do you access that story? UNM Continuing Education is offering a six week class on Screenwriting: Finding Your Own Best Story with award-winning playwright Stephanie Kuehn to help you connect with your Muse. Find a way to craft your own great story from the creative depths of your life experience. No one else can tell YOUR story...so discover a way into your unique story telling process. Classes begin April 10, 2010 and run through May 15, 2010 on Saturdays from 1pm-4pm and will be held in the UNM Continuing Education South Building, 1634 University Blvd. NE in Albuquerque. Tuition is $259. For more information contact: Marie McGhee at 505-277-0723 or mmcghee@unm.edu. Register online at dce.unm.edu or call 505-277-0077.

Added by CE_Posts on April 6, 2010