13 Norfolk PLace
London, England W2 1 QJ

Followed by Q&A with Henry Porter (the Observer) and director Neil Ferguson

Since Tony Blair's New Labour government came to power in 1997, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically.

ASBOs were introduced under Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and first used in 1999. The right to remain silent is no longer universal. Our right to privacy, free from interception of communications has been severely curtailed. The ability to travel without surveillance has disappeared.Henry Porter is an Observer journalist who recently had a famous email clash with Tony Blair over the paring down of civil liberties. He reveals in this unsettling film how our movements are being watched, and recorded, more than ever before.
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Official Website: http://www.frontlineclub.com

Added by Frontlineevents on March 2, 2007

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