1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Is there an unfactored "wild card" not being considered in the prevailing climate change doctrine? Looked at the sky lately? Are you one of the growing number of independent thinkers who don't believe that lines, x's and plaids look like normal cloud cover. Are you alarmed by watching planes laying down these expanding lines over the hills, over the bay and right over your house? Whatever you call it "chemtrails", weather modification, we have a right to know about the science experiments going on in OUR sky. Watch this film and see how others are researching and finding out the truth about what is happening over our heads.

Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee as part of our Conscientious Projector Series
Donations welcomed. No one turned away.
Wheelchair accessible.


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Added by benburch666 on May 15, 2011

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