This is the 1st in our free film series: The Planet at a Crossroads: Nuclear Disaster or Solartopia? There will be a potluck at 6, followed by the film at 7, followed by a break for organic desserts & tea, and at 8:30 a presentation and discussion with Barbara George. "The China Syndrome" first appeared in theaters on March 16, 1979. In an eerie coincidence, 12 days later the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history occurred at Three Mile Island. The real-life accident was, in many ways, identical to the plot of the movie. An incorrect reading of equipment made the plant's operators think that there was more water covering the core than there actually was--exactly as occurs in the movie. Starring Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, and Michael Douglas, the movie was nominated for 4 Academy Awards, and won a top prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
Barbara George is the founder of Women’s Energy Matters (WEM), a group of women and men that work for a rapid transition to a renewable, efficient energy system. WEM is a leading organizer for Marin Clean Energy, the publicly owned "Community Choice" energy program that launched in 2010 and offers nearly twice as much renewable solar and wind power as PG&E, at comparable rates. Barbara has a decade of experience as a "ratepayer advocate" in California Public Utility Commission proceedings, over three decades leadership of successful anti-nuclear campaigns, and an infectious sense of humor. Her talk will revolve around the proposal WEM filed in CPUC's "Long-Term Procurement" case shortly after Fukushima: for utilities to quit using nuclear power immediately and switch to renewables and energy efficiency.
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee as part of our Conscientious Projector Series
Donations welcomed. No one turned away.
Wheelchair accessible.
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Added by benburch666 on July 20, 2011