This film tells the story of a growing movement of Israelis and Palestinians who live as neighbors in peace. They know that neither side can impose a military solution on the other. By refusing to be enemies with one another, they undercut the predicates of a war that has lasted too long and has claimed too many lives. They engage in nonviolent resistance to policies that fragment their communities and that produce radical insecurity and violence, not the genuine security that the majority of both communities crave.
They speak in ways we have not heard in the mainstream media in the West. Palestinians condemn the suicide bombs. Israelis demand an end to the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
Presented by BFUU Social Justice Ctee’s Conscientious Projector series
Donations welcomed for our on-going social justice work
Wheelchair accessible
Contact: 510-495-5132
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Added by benburch666 on October 19, 2009